Progressing Toward the Edge of the Cliff
Understanding Multiculturalism
This may be the most important of JP Tate’s critiques of contemporary politics and postmodern society, as he turns his attention to multiculturalism. Readers familiar with Tate’s writing style will know that the wearing of a seat-belt is advised. Two-fisted, yet calculated and logical, he takes his readers through a line of reasoning that reveals a very honest description of today's world.
Like his earlier critiques of monotheism, feminism, and sexuality, it is both a philosophical analysis and a demolition job. Crowded with ideas and arguments, it is always original and surprising. Some readers will be convinced, and others will be left clutching anxiously for their counter-arguments.
Tate addresses the future of England and the future of Europe, with numerous comments on America for good measure. Written from the point of view of the English working-class, his observations are unflinching. The arguments in the book are helpfully divided into sections with titles like ‘Multiculturalism is Extremist, Not Moderate’ and ‘Multiculturalism is Multi-Sectarianism’ and ‘Multiculturalism is 21st century Colonialism’.
Tate shows us that ‘Multiculturalists have never understood Multiculturalism’ and explains how ‘Multiculturalism Destroys the Ethnic Culture that it Replaces’. He addresses ‘Fallacious White Guilt’ and ‘The Death of Englishness’. There are sections on ‘Islamic Imperialism’ and ‘Islamosycophant Propaganda’. He tells us that ‘We Need a New Political Vocabulary’ because ideas such as ‘Left-Wing and Right-Wing Are Out of Date’.
He deconstructs diversity and dismantles multiculturalism, and by the time he’s finished there’s not much left to be said in favour of either. He doesn’t merely challenge them, he exposes them for what they are. It may be an uncomfortable read for multiculturalists, but for everyone else it’s a refreshing and satisfying statement of the truth about the world we live in today.
Feminism is Sexism
For those whose mind is closed on the subject of feminism because society has told them what to think and they obediently think
it, there are many hundreds of books available that will reinforce their cultural orthodoxy. This book is not for them. It is a polemic which takes a radically anti-establishment position and
expresses an alternative point of view. It argues for a genuinely impartial sex equality and attempts to demonstrate that, not only has feminism always been opposed to sex equality, feminism has
actually stopped us from achieving an impartial sex equality.
The book’s title means just what it says. Feminism is itself sexism, and not some new kind of ‘reverse’ sexism but the same old
sexism that operated in traditional society. Misandry is not a recent development, it has been around for as long as misogyny. Feminism endorses and exploits traditional misandry in its
What types of traditional misandry? Most notably, the sexist double-standard about the value of human life, which treats men as
the expendable sex and holds women’s lives to be intrinsically more valuable than men’s lives, and the sexist double-standard about human pain, which treats female pain as being more serious and
important than male pain.
“Feminism is Sexism” raises many issues which, whether you agree with the
arguments or not, are at least worthy of the consideration of those with an open mind. It describes feminism’s perversion of the freedom movement of the 1960s. It offers argument to refute patriarchy theory (in fact, five variations of that theory), on which all feminism is based. It exposes the maxim of Equal
But Different for what it is, a hypocrite’s charter. Along the way it asks many uncomfortable questions, such as:
Feminism promotes negative gender-stereotypes of men, locating the litany of men’s deficiencies and vices in social constructs of their
biological maleness. So is feminism guilty of everything it pretends to be against?
If the UK government’s own statistics on domestic violence show that over 40% of the victims are male, why is their new policy on domestic
violence called “Ending Violence Against Women and Girls”?
Boys are being raised in a society which tells them that they are going to grow up into a cross between Jackass and Jack the Ripper. What
kind of psychological damage will this do to them?
Drawing upon evidence and examples from the UK, the USA, and elsewhere, the arguments in “Feminism is Sexism” may be unsettling, but they are not going to disappear simply because the political establishment chooses to ignore them. This is a provocative book which challenges you to doubt beliefs which you may have held all your life without really questioning them. Question them now.
All God Worshippers Are Mad: a little book of sanity
This "little book of sanity" seeks to demonstrate in a logical and common sense manner that the most basic and fundamental beliefs held by all monotheists are, for want of a better word, lunatic. For the reader who believes in god, this book may help them to understand why secularists get so frustrated and infuriated when in debate with theists. For the secularist, this book is a reminder that not everyone is susceptible to reasoned argument. The reminder is timely for those who live in an age of the resurgence of Islamic Jihad and the threat to liberal freedom that it represents.
What is said in this book will undoubtedly be found overly-provocative by those authoritarian and politically correct people within the reactionary establishment who conflate morality with niceness. Along with people who are imperishably middle class (who have confused morality with niceness for generations) they will probably utter the familiar words that we ought not to denigrate other people’s deeply and sincerely held beliefs. Instead we should live in a permanent state of apology for the crime of having minds of our own.
But religions are no more above criticism than any other ideologies and they have no entitlement to special status. Besides which, large numbers of god worshippers feel free to
denigrate atheists' deeply held beliefs and values, so why should they have special permission to be hypocrites? Those who endorse the principles of freedom of thought and open debate will have
no complaint when confronted by honest argument, they will welcome it. Whichever political camp the reader may fall into, this book is a challenge to intellectual complacency and that can never
be a bad thing.
Sex-Objects: a little book of liberation
How often have you heard feminists reproaching men for the sexual objectification of women? Nothing is more commonplace in the politics of gender as practiced over the last fifty years. The phrase ‘sexual objectification’ is invariably used negatively, in an act of censure to reprimand the perpetrator for a gross offence. In contemporary society it is taken for granted that sexual objectification is immoral and that it is a ‘male crime’.
This little book offers a radically anti-establishment re-evaluation of the concept of sexual objectification. It argues that far from being sexually aberrant, erotic objectification is an integral part of sexual desire. Far from being a social harm created by systemic political misogyny, it is a naturally occurring phenomenon which is found in all human sexualities. It is entailed in your own sexuality no matter what your own sexuality happens to be. Everybody does it, both women and men. People sexually objectify others, and are sexually objectified by others, in all sorts of different ways. It is simply a part of sexuality in humans.
Like all of JP Tate's books, this volume provides the reader with a view of the world that is free from the gratuitous limitations of political conformity and the narrow ideological constraints of the mainstream. Whether the reader agrees or disagrees, it's a fascinating journey.